Monday, July 10, 2006

The Presentation

It was the final week of my internship and all the interns had to talk about what they've accomplished.

So there we all were in the presentation room, prepared slides, et al. My turn was last.

One-by-one the interns went up and said stuff. Some stuff. I didn't actually listen to anyone. And then my turn came. I went thru all my material in my head. Confidently I stepped up to the front.

Incidentally, I wish to talk about the human brain. It's a great thing, this brain of ours - It starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public.

So, returning to the presentation, there I was, ready to start, my head a perfect blank! Embarrassing isin't it?

Thankfully, mine is a rather fartile mind, and I managed to crack some typical iitian-dayas which gave me the time to regroup and actually remember things.

All in all, my presentation went pretty well, actually :)

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Kunibre and the Falcon

Is there anyone who doesn't love fairy-tales? Let's have one here!

There was once a little bird called the Kunibre. Tiny as it was, it was a smart one. And there was also the Falcon, proud, strong and majestic. Trying to achieve greatness, flying to the highest clouds on his own wings.

Once it was decided that there should be a King of Birds. But how should one decide? The wise old Owl decreed that the one who flies closest to Heaven will be crowned as the Majestic King of the Birds.

And so they flew. And the flock admitted defeat, for none could fly as the Falcon. And then as he descended from his Majestic flight, the little Kunibre was spotted on his shoulder.

Everyone lauded at the little bird who did nothing and yet flew the highest. The Kunibre was thus graced with the Crown. He had won. He had achieved Royalty without the f(l)ight!

And this is where we come to a full circle.

There was once a little bird called the Kunibre. Tiny as it was, it was a smart one. And then there was the Falcon, majestic as always, trying to achieve greatness, flying to the highest clouds on its own wings.

Everyone wants to be a Kunibre.

I'd rather be the Falcon.