Saturday, February 25, 2012

Laughing at Gidwani

I typed the title of this post and in hindsight it sounds much like a movie of the elite sort. But this is serious.

For years, my dear friend Mohit Gidwani wrote blog posts in this blog. Let me find a link to it, hold on a sec. Oh here it is. Wohoah there's a new entry there! This was unexpected. No well forget that. My point was this: for some years towards the fag end of the blog's life, Gid would often write a "Phoenixy" post once every few months just to give the impression of life. I would scoff and laugh at his pathetic attempts at keeping a blog going while Obscured by Words was going strong after all these years.

However it occurs to me that over the last year or so - that's precisely what I've been doing. Overloaded with work and recklessly poor, I haven't had the motivation or the time to carve out some stone tablets either. In short: this blog isn't really getting anywhere anymore.

I resolved to write more, but really - it is impossible given the number of hours I work every week now. So I've been seriously thinking of putting this blog down and putting a little "Hiatus" tag on it forever.

I don't know whether I should, but if you do have any unresolved (preferably nonsensical) questions, email me and I shall answer them for you in a wise and hearty manner. Other than that, I expect not much more from Obscured by Words in the near future.

Thank you for your time.

Monday, January 09, 2012

Occam's Razor

In Philosophy, Occam's Razor, sometimes expressed in Latin as lex parsimoniae (the law of parsimony, economy or succinctness), is a principle that generally recommends that, from competing hypotheses, selecting the one that makes the fewest new assumptions usually provides the correct one, and that the simplest explanation will be the most plausible until evidence is presented to prove it false. (source:'s_razor)

Silverleaf's trading framework, called occam, is inspired from this principle and stresses on simplicity of architecture emphasizes minimizing "assumptions" (by building as little as possible from scratch), utilizing frameworks and libraries wherever possible.

"nanos gigantium humeris insidentes" (Standing on the shoulders of giants) was famously uttered by Sir Isaac Newton signifying that we can achieve much and see far not by any virtue or sharpness on our part but because we are carried high and raised up by the giants that came before us. So too, we must acknowledge the Boost C++ Libraries as the giants that have made occam possible.

"silver sTrade" proof of concept coding and preliminary systems testing was completed from 19 December 2011 to 6 January 2012. Newly christened "occam", development was begun on 10th January 2012.